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±¸ºÐ ¿ùÀÏ °­ÀǽǠ½Ã°£ ±³À°Á¦¸ñ  °­»ç¸í(¼Ò¼Ó) Çʼö°ú¸ñ
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 09:00~09:15 Efficacy and safety of Nebivolol in real practice (BENEFIT-KOREA)  ÀÌÁ¾¿µ(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 09:15~09:30 Beyond Beta blocker, Nebivolol  ±è±¤ÀÏ(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 09:00~09:15 Diagnosis and treatment of masked and masked uncontrolled hypertension  Luis M. Ruilope(Spain Autonoma University) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 09:15~09:30 Case presentation: masked hypertension and masked uncontrolled hypertension  Á¶Á¤¼±(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 09:30~09:45 Practical aspect of Intensive blood pressure lowering therapy  Miguel Camafort-Babkowski(SpainUniversity of Barcelona) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 09:45~10:00 Case presentation: Management of hyperkalemia during intensive blood pressure lowering therapy  ÀÌÁ¤Ç¥(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 10:25~10:40 New validation protocol and methodology  ÀÌÀº¹Ì(¿ø±¤ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 10:40~10:55 Blood Pressure Monitoring in Sleep (Time to Wake Up)  Younghoon Kwon(USA University of Virginia) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 10:55~11:10 Ambulatory central blood pressure monitoring: is it better than brachial ABPM ?  Á¶ÀºÁÖ(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 11:10~11:25 Role of ABPM in heart failure management  ¹ÚÁøÁÖ(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 11:25~11:40 Panel Discussion  ±è¹Ì³ª¹ÚÂù¼® Á¤¹ÌÇâ ±èÇöÁø(°í·ÁÀÇ´ë°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë ÇѸ²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 10:25~10:40 Endocan as an endothelial injury marker in kidney diseases  ÀÌ»óÈ£(°æÈñÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 10:40~10:55 Arterial stiffness and hypertension  Áø¼±¾Æ(Ãæ³²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 10:55~11:10 VSMC ÇüÅ¿¡ µû¸¥ Ç÷°ü¹ÝÀÀµµ Â÷ÀÌ  °­¿µÁø(¿µ³²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 11:10~11:25 Therapeutic potential of HDAC inhibitor  À±¼Ò¹Ì(Àü³²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 11:25~11:40 Panel Discussion  Á¶Çö¹Î ¾È°èÅà ÃÖö¿õ ±è⼺(°æºÏÀÇ´ëÃæ³²ÀÇ´ë°í·ÁÀÇ´ëÀü³²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 10:25~10:40 Blood pressure measuremen using Smartphone  ÀÌÁ¤ÅÂ(ºÎ»ê´ëÇб³) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 10:40~10:55 Implantable subcutaneous blood pressure monitoring  Á¤¿¬È£(Çѹç´ëÇб³) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 10:55~11:10 Plausibility of Non-Contact Blood Pressure Measurement Using Radar Driven Pulse Transit Time  Á¶¼ºÈ£(ÇѾç´ëÇб³) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 11:10~11:25 Blood pressure measurement using force sensor  ¼­Á¾¸ð(¼­¿ï´ëÇб³) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 11:25~11:40 Panel Discussion  Àü±âÇö±è°æÁøÃÖÁ¤Çö¹ÚÁøÁÖ(¼¼Á¾º´¿øÀÌÈ­ÀÇ´ëºÎ»êÀÇ´ë¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 11:40~12:40 Survival as an ultimate goal: Revisiting efficacy of perindopril in high risk patients with hypertension  ±è´ëÈñ(¿ï»êÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 11:40~12:40 The position of diuretics in the management of hypertension: are all thiazide diuretics the same?  ¿ÀÀç¿ø(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 11:40~12:40 Managing blood pressure - choosing thr tight strategy to meet BP targets  ½ÅÁ¤ÈÆ(ÇѾçÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 11:40~12:40 A New and Powerful Solution for Dyslipidemia in Hypertension  ÀÌÂùÁÖ(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 11:40~12:00 Application of home BP in hypertension management  Yook Chin Chia(Malaysia Sunway University) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 12:00~12:20 Clinical application of Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring  Jing Liu(China Peking University People¡¯s Hospita) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 12:20~12:40 Management of young age hypertension  Nannette R. Rey(Philippine De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 12:50~13:05 Efficacy of BP lowering drugs in HF treatment  Miguel Camafort-Babkowski(SpainUniversity of Barcelona) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 13:05~13:20 Ideal target BP in HF treatment  ¿ÀÀç¿ø(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 13:20~13:35 The best BP measurement method in HF  ±èÇзÉ(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 13:35~13:50 BP lowering and primary prevention of HF  ÀÌÂùÁÖ(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 13:50~14:05 Panel Discussion  ¹ÚÁøÁÖ±èÇüÀ±±èºÀÁؾȰèÅÃ(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ëÀü³²ÀÇ´ë°í½ÅÀÇ´ëÃæ³²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 12:50~13:05 Pathogenic mechanism of AF development in hypertension  ¹ÚÁø±Ô(ÇѾçÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 13:05~13:20 Primary prevention and screening of AF in hypertension  Á¤¹ÌÇâ(ÇѸ²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 13:20~13:35 Blood pressure target in AF with hypertension  Á¶ÀÎÁ¤(ÀÌÈ­ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 13:35~13:50 Stroke risk and AF in hypertension  ±èÅÂÈÆ(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 13:50~14:05 Panel Discussion  ¹é¿ë¼ö±èÀÎöÀÌÁöÇöÁ¤Çý¹®(ÀÎÇÏÀÇ´ë°è¸íÀÇ´ë¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë°æÈñÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 12:50~13:05 Blood pressure variability and cardiovascular outcomes in general population  ±è¹Ì°æ(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 13:05~13:20 Implication of blood pressure variability in coronary artery disease  Á¤¿ì¹é(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 13:20~13:35 Implication of blood pressure in Stroke  ÀåÁØ¿µ(¿ï»êÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 13:35~13:50 Implication of blood pressure variability in CKD  ±èÀÏ¿µ(ºÎ»êÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 13:50~14:05 Panel Discussion  ½ÅÁ¤ÈƽżºÈñ(ÇѾçÀÇ´ëÀÎÇÏÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 15:05~15:20 Satellite symposium II -Up to date Hypertension Guidelines  ±èÀÎö(°è¸íÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 14:30~14:45 Clinical interview: styles and skills  ½ÅÁøÈ£(ÇѾçÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 14:45~15:05 Movitvational interviewing  ¹ÚÈƱâ(ÇѾçÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 15:05~15:20 Panel Discussion  ³ªÁø¿À ±èÇÐ·É ±èÃáÀÚ(°í·ÁÀÇ´ë¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë¾ÆÁÖÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 15:30~15:45 Hypertension and Alzheimer Dementia in Korea  ÃÖ¼ºÇý(ÀÎÇÏÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 15:45~16:00 Hypertension and dementia in Indonesia  Yuda Turana(Indonesia Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 16:00~16:15 Hypertension and Vascular Dementia in Korea  ÀÓÀ缺(ÇѸ²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 16:15~16:30 Hypertension in Indonesia: Epidemiology, Prevalence, Awareness and Treatment  Tunggul D Situmorang(Indonesia Indonesian Society of Hypertension) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 16:30~16:45 Panel Discussion  ¹®¼Ò¿µÀ±º¸¶ó±è¿©ÁøÁ¤»ê(¾ÆÁÖÀÇ´ë°Ç¾çÀÇ´ëÇѸ²ÀÇ´ëÇѸ²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 15:30~15:45 Hypertension in little old ladies  ¹ÚÀçÇü(Ãæ³²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 15:45~16:00 DASH diet in hypertensive women  °­¼®Èñ(¿µ³²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 16:00~16:15 Challenges in diagnosis and management of hypertensive perimenopausal women  ¹Ú¿ëÇö(ºÎ»êÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 16:15~16:30 Dementia prevention in hypertensive women with advanced age  À±Çý¿ø(ÀÎÇÏÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 16:30~16:45 Panel Discussion  °­½ÃÇõ±è¹Ì³ªÀ±ÇöÁÖÀ̼±±â(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë°í·ÁÀÇ´ëÀü³²ÀÇ´ëÇѸ²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 15:30~15:45 Can exercise improve memory function?  ¹®È¿¿­(¼­¿ï´ëÇб³) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 15:45~16:00 Fitness and exercise in fighting dementia  ¹ÚÇöÅÂ(µ¿¾Æ´ëÇб³) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 16:00~16:15 Prevention of frailty in hypertension  ÃÖÁ¤¿¬(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 16:15~16:30 Exercise and the white matter lesion   ±è¹ÌÁ¤(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 16:30~16:45 Panel Discussion  ÀÌ»óÇö(ºÎ»êÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 15:30~15:45 Ã¼Áß°¨·®ÀÇ ½ÉÇ÷°üÁúȯ ¿¹¹æÈ¿°ú  ±è¼ºÈ¯(°í·ÁÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 15:45~16:00 Successful weight reduction and maintenance by using a smartphone application in those with overweight and obesity  ÀÌ»ó¿­(°æÈñÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 16:00~16:15 Anti-diabetes and anti-obesity medications: Effects on weight reduction and CV prevention  °­Àº¼®(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 16:15~16:30 Individualized exercise prescription for weight control  ¹®Á¤È­(ÀÏ»ê¹éº´¿ø) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 16:30~16:45 Panel Discussion  ±è¿ëȯÀÌÈñ¼±Àü±âÇö(°­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë¼¼Á¾º´¿ø) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 16:45~17:00 Socioeconomic Status and Prevalece, Awareness, Treatment, Control rates of Hypertension in Japan  Akira Fujiyoshi(Japan Wakayama Medical Univeristy) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 17:00~17:15 Socioeconomic Status and Prevalece, Awareness, Treatment, Control rates of Hypertension in Korea  Ju-Mi Lee(Eulji University) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 17:15~17:30 Hypertension diagnosis and education program experience by region - Community Health Survey in Korea  Young Gyu Cho(Inje University) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 17:30~17:45 Income and regional differences in hpertension management - National Health Insurance Big Data  Hyeon Chang Kim(Yonsei University) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room A 17:45~18:00 Panel Discussion  Àº»óÁرè¿øÈ£ÀÌÀ¯¹ÌÃÖÀºÈñ±èÀÎö(Ãæ³²ÀÇ´ëÀ»ÁöÀÇ´ë°æºÏÀÇ´ëÀ»Áö´ëÇб³°è¸íÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 16:45~17:00 Definition and difference between resistant and refractory hypertension  ÃÖö¿õ(°í·ÁÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 17:00~17:15 Pathogenesis and hemodynamic mechanism  À̿뱸(ÇѾçÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 17:15~17:30 Pharmacologic treatment of refractory hypertension  ¾È°èÅÃ(Ãæ³²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 17:30~17:45 Non-pharmacologic treatment  ÃÖ½ÂÇõ(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room B 17:45~18:00 Panel Discussion  ±Ç¾Æ¹ÌÀÌ°æÁø¹Ú»ó¹Î(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ëÀÌÈ­ÀÇ´ëÇѸ²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 16:45~17:00 Clinical Implication of Blood pressure Variability in Stroke Patients  ÃÖ°­È£(Àü³²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 17:00~17:15 Acute hypertensive response and Left ventricular function in Stroke Patients  ÀÌÁ¤Àº(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 17:15~17:30 Sleep in Hypertensive Patients  ½Å¿øö(°æÈñÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 17:30~17:45 Evaluation and Management of Orthostatic Intolerances   ¼±¿ìÁØ»ó(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room C 17:45~18:00 Panel Discussion  ÀÓÀ缺±èÈñÁø(ÇѸ²ÀÇ´ëÇѾçÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 16:45~17:00 Europen and United States pulmonary hypertension guideline  ±è´ëÈñ(¿ï»êÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 17:00~17:15 Japan pulmonary hypertension guidelune  ÀåÇ×Á¦(ÀÎÁ¦ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 17:15~17:30 Pulmonary hypertension guideline focusing on children and adolescent  ¾È°æÁø(°¡ÃµÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 17:30~17:45 Things included in Korean or East Asian Pulmonary hypertension guideline  ¹ÚÀçÇü(Ãæ³²ÀÇ´ë) 
±³À°½Ã°£ 11-08 Room D 17:45~18:00 Panel Discussion  ÀÌÀç½Â±èÇö¼÷¹ÚÁغó(¿ï»êÀÇ´ë¼øõÇâÀÇ´ë¹ÚÁغñ) 
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21135 °æ±â Á¦10Â÷ ¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë ¼Ò¾Æû¼Ò³â°ú Áö¿ªÀÇ»ç Áý´ãȸ : 2024-07-31 0 52 2024-06-19
21134 °æ±â 2024 Çѱ¹¼ö¸éÇÐȸ ÇÏ°èÇмú´ëȸ : 2024-07-26 0 64 2024-06-19
21133 ¼­¿ï 2024³â ´ëÇÑÇǺη¹ÀÌÀúÇÐȸ Á¦25ȸ Çмú´ëȸ : 2024-07-21 0 45 2024-06-19
21132 ¼­¿ï ´ëÇÑÀÓ»ó¾Ï´ë»çÀÇÇÐȸ 2024³â Ãß°èÇмú´ëȸ IVC¿Í Detox : 2024-07-21 0 42 2024-06-19
21131 ´ë±¸ ´ë±¸°æºÏ³»°úÇÐȸ 2024³â Á¤±âÇмú´ëȸ : 2024-07-21 0 50 2024-06-19
21130 Á¦ÁÖ Á¦13ȸ ´ëÇѳ»ºÐºñÇÐȸ Á¦ÁÖÁöȸ ¿¬¼ö°­Á : 2024-07-20 0 24 2024-06-19
21129 ±¤ÁÖ Á¦225Â÷ ´ëÇÑ¿µ»óÀÇÇÐȸ ±¤ÁÖÀü³²Áöȸ ¿¬¼ö°­Á : 2024-07-16 0 24 2024-06-19
21128 ºÎ»ê ´ëÇѳ»°úÀÇ»çȸ Á¦3ȸ ÃÊÀ½ÆÄ ½ÇÀü ¾ÆÄ«µ¥¹Ì : 2024-07-15 0 63 2024-06-19
21127 ¼­¿ï 2024 ¼¼ºê¶õ½ºº´¿ø ¼ÒÈ­±âÇÐ ¿¬¼ö°­Á : 2024-07-14 0 52 2024-06-19
21126 ¼­¿ï (¿Â¶óÀÎ) 2024³â ´ëÇÑôÃß¿µ»óÀÇÇÐȸ Á¤±â¿¬¼ö°­Á : 2024-07-14 0 35 2024-06-19
21125 ¼­¿ï Á¦29Â÷ Ưº°¿¬¼ö°­Á – »êºÎÀΰú Áúȯ óġÀÇ ÃֽŠÁö°ß : 2024-07-14 0 38 2024-06-19
21124 °­¿ø 2024³â ´ëÇѼÒÈ­±â³»½Ã°æÇÐȸ °­¿øÁöȸ ¿¬¼ö°­Á : 2024-07-14 0 42 2024-06-19
21123 ¼­¿ï 2024³â ´ëÇѹ̼¼¼ö¼úÇÐȸ Ãá°è ¹Ì¼¼¼ö¼ú ¿öÅ©¼ó : 2024-07-14 0 40 2024-06-19
21122 ¼­¿ï Çѱ¹¹é³»Àå±¼Àý¼ö¼úÇÐȸ 2024 KSCRS Annual Symposium(2ÀÏÂ÷) : 2024-07-14 0 40 2024-06-19
21121 ¼­¿ï Á¦8ȸ ÀüÀÓÀÇ Àü°øÀÇ °³¿øÀǸ¦ À§ÇÑ °£Áúȯ ¿¬¼ö°­Á : 2024-07-14 0 61 2024-06-19
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