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´ëÇѺÎÁ¤¸ÆÇÐȸ 2023 KHRS Autumn Scientific Session: AF Summit 2023(2ÀÏÂ÷) : 2023-12-02

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´ëÇѺÎÁ¤¸ÆÇÐȸ 2023 KHRS Autumn Scientific Session: AF Summit 2023(2ÀÏÂ÷) : 2023-12-02
±³À°ÀÏÀÚ : 2023-12-02
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±³À°ÁÖÁ¦ : 2023 KHRS Autumn Scientific Session: AF Summit 2023(2ÀÏÂ÷)

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À̸ÞÀÏ : khrs10@k-hrs.org

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±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 08:45~09:05 Cryoballoon ablation for AF in Korea: complications and outcomes from a multicenter registry ¾çÇʼº(Â÷ÀÇ´ë)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 09:05~09:25 Predictors of failure to maintain sinus rhythm after RF catheter ablation of AF ±è´ëÈÆ(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 09:25~09:45 Catheter ablation of AF in patients with heart failure Ming-long Chen(The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 09:45~10:05 Cryoballoon ablation for longstanding persistent AF ÀÌ»óÈñ(Æ÷Ç× ¼¼¸í±âµ¶º´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 10:05~10:25 Initial experiences of PFA for AF in Singapore Pipin Kojodjojo(ASIAN HEART & VASCULAR CENTRE)

ÈÞ½Ä 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 10:25~10:30 Break ()

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 10:30~10:50 Oral anticoagulation for stroke prevention, warfarin to Factor XI inhibitor Á¤·¡¿µ(ÀüºÏÀÇ´ë)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 10:50~11:10 Symptom scales of AF currently in use, is it suitable? ÃÖÁøÈñ(¾ç»êºÎ»êÀÇ´ë)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 11:10~11:30 Can early rhythm control therapy prevent the AF progression? ÀÌ´ëÀÎ(°í·ÁÀÇ´ë)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 11:30~11:50 How to treat tachycardia induced CMP? Rhythm vs Rate (including AVN ablation) °ûÇýºó(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 11:50~12:10 Lifestyle and Risk factor modification for reduction of atrial fibrillation - recommendation for physical activity Wei-Chung Tsai (Kaohsiung Medical University)

½Ä»ç 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 12:10~13:20 Lunch ()

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 13:20~13:40 Unmet need for new energy source (complications of thermal ablation) ½ÉÀç¹Î(°í·ÁÀÇ´ë)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 13:40~14:00 Clinical data of PFA (catheter configuration / energy delivery method / successful PVI rate / recurrence rate / procedural time) Kyoung-Ryul Julian Chun(CCB Frankfurt)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 14:00~14:20 Ischemic stroke after PFA (thrombotic or air embolic / accidental LAA electrical isolation) ±è¹®Çö(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 14:20~14:40 Collateral damage after PFA (phrenic nerve / coronary artery / esophagus) À̱¤³ë(¾ÆÁÖÀÇ´ë)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 14:40~15:00 My experience on pulse field ablation for atrial fibrillation Boris Schmidt(Cardiologisches Centrum Bethanien)

ÈÞ½Ä 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 15:00~15:05 Break ()

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 15:05~15:25 Ablation in ARVC Fa-Po Chung(Taipei Veterans General Hospital)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 15:25~15:45 Epicardial Ablation in Brugada Syndrome ¹Ú¿¹¹Î(°¡ÃµÀÇ´ë)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 15:45~16:05 Ablation for Papillary Muscle VT Á¶¹Î¼ö(¿ï»êÀÇ´ë)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 16:05~16:25 Ablation for ischemic VT Â÷¸íÁø(¿ï»êÀÇ´ë)

±³À°½Ã°£ 12¿ù 02ÀÏ ÄÁº¥¼Ç¼¾ÅÍ 16:25~16:45 Ablation for LV summit VA Yenn-Jiang Lin(Taipei Veterans General Hospital)


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43 ¼­¿ï ´ëÇѵΰæºÎ¿Ü°úÇÐȸ 15th Head and Neck Seoul Forum : 2018-08-11 1 840 2018-07-28
42 °­¿ø 2018³âµµ ÇÏ°è ´ëÇÑÀ̺ñÀÎÈÄ°úÇÐȸ °­¿øÁöºÎ °³¿øÀÇ ¿¬¼ö°­Á : 2018-08-11 0 900 2018-07-28
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35 ¼­¿ï ¼­¿ï¾Æ»êº´¿ø 7th AP VALVES 2018 : 2018-08-10 0 349 2018-07-28
34 ¼­¿ï Çѱ¹¿ªÇÐȸ ÀÇÇк¸°ÇÇп¡¼­ÀÇ ¿ªÇÐÀû »ç°í¿Í Åë°èÀÇ ÀÀ¿ë 2 : 2018-08-10 0 751 2018-07-28
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